--- title: "Difference in classical and operant conditioning" tags: classical conditioning literature-notes operant pavlov psychology date: 2020-12-08 16:57:01 --- # Difference in classical and operant conditioning # The difference between classical and operant conditioning [Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6LEcM0E0io&list=WL&index=7) Learning in psychology is clasical or operant conditioning. Its a change in behaviour depending on the envionment. ## Classical Conditioning Pavlo's dog experiment was Classical conditioning. Conditional Stimulas(Bell) comes before the change in action. ## Opernant Conditioning Consequences lead to change in voluntary behavior ### Reinforcement Eg. Giving a child candy for doing something good. Conditioning is after the action. ### Punishment Eg. Beating a child for doing something wrong. --- ### Tags #classical #conditioning #literature-notes #operant #pavlov #psychology